Thursday, November 03, 2005

Starting Out

3 AM Learning Curve

[ Nikon D50 and Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 ]
[ 1/30s f/2.8 ISO200 50mm ]

I admit it. I am one of "those" people. After barely a year of shooting and a single photography class, I had the audacity to claim that my prosumer rangefinder camera was limiting my ability to make good photos and justified the upgrade to a digital SLR.

I blame peer pressure, though in truth I can only blame myself.

So here it is, my first step up the pinnacle of photography. It is remarkable in that I can see a hundred things wrong with this photo--no--snapshot. Worst of all, it is a photo of a lamp. It was all I could manage at 3 AM with bleary eyes and an alien tool in my hand. Yes, that was a flimsy excuse for having more equipment than skill.

3AM. The learning curve starts now.Posted by Picasa